JWGC Pilot’s Report
International Night (Aug. 10) Last night was the big International evening; where each country’s representatives bring a special food or drink from their home country to share with everyone else. [...]
International Night (Aug. 10) Last night was the big International evening; where each country’s representatives bring a special food or drink from their home country to share with everyone else. [...]
Today was another good day of soaring. Due to the previous day's incident, we were given a Turn Area Task rather than a racing task. . For the given weather [...]
A 450k racing task was given and this was “a short task due to international evening”. My teammate and I left at 1330, a bit later than I had suggested, [...]
Today we had a 303km racing task. It was a promising morning with cu popping early. Originally there were not supposed to be any cu today so it was nice [...]
The last few days have started to feel like Groundhog’s day. Race days 1-5 have all felt almost the exact same. It goes like this: We launch. I land among [...]
August 5 AM report from JWGC First and foremost. Team USA’s pilot David McMaster is flying brilliantly. It seems every day he is learning more and more about team flying [...]
A busy day today, that included final cleaning of the trailer, glider and tow vehicle, so these could be returned in condition at least as good as when we received [...]
Yet another excellent soaring day in Hungary: Our streak of improbable weather continues without interruption, and it appears tomorrow – the final day of this competition – will be much [...]
Yesterday’s forecast predicted better soaring conditions for today, and it really looks as if this was accurate. This morning’s outlook agreed that we’d see strong lift to good altitudes under [...]
A big day today, with some of the longest tasks ever set at a World Gliding Competition. 18-Meter class had 756 km, Open 757, and 20-Meter (last to launch) 645. [...]