The last few days have started to feel like Groundhog’s day. Race days 1-5 have all felt almost the exact same. It goes like this: We launch. I land among the 30 other gliders all at the same time, submit my flight that ranges from 100-107kph, we drive the glider back to my spot where our French neighbors have arrived 5 minutes prior. I then leave the glider to Tom, whom insists on doing all of the ground work himself, and I go and get a well deserved cold delicious Czech beer whilst rapidly hitting the refresh button on the contest website to see the scores.
On day 4, I did fly my longest task ever, a 447k racing task and I did so at 104kph. That was after my 314km flight at 107kph the previous day, and the next day I turned around and flew 226k 101kph. Ranging in place from 12-31; With the noted difference on day 5 of placing 11th on the day and finally climbing back up the score sheet!
These flights surprisingly are not difficult. I must be learning a lot because I’m seeing all of these awesome World class pilots and speeds and looking at my own and they aren’t all that far off. Beyond that I’ve had a decent amount of time gaggle flying with these pilots and I have to say that I can totally keep up! I’ve come to the realization that they aren’t doing anything special that I myself am not capable of. As the contest goes on I have my Grandpa Roy’s words from the text he sent me yesterday in the back of my head: “you cannot win in this sport in one day but you sure as hell can lose it in one! So fly consistent and make it home every day and you’ll be surprised at how far up you end on the score sheet.”
After 5 Days of flying in a row and the Czech party night on the itinerary, they decided to give us a rest day. Day 6 looked like an incredible soaring day and to be honest I was quite disappointed with their decision to not fly. I feel as though the more days in a row we string together, the better I will be able to compete. As everyone else grows more tired, frustrated and impatient, I can keep a cool head and fly just as though it was the first day.
Powerless to change the decision they made, a bunch of the local Juniors and I drove about an hour away to check out a local swimming hole. It was a great way to beat the heat. In the evening, storms came in and we rushed to put the gliders back in their boxes. Afterwards with all of the energy and enthusiasm of our youth we played games in the rain and in the mud! I am well aware that every single moment needs to be cherished!

Tomorrow looks like there might be a short window to get a task in, but I think that the runway is going to be too wet to use. We’ll see! Regardless, I must treat tonight as if we are going on a 750k racing task tomorrow and take full advantage of my rest day! Bring it!!!!

You can find the latest contest scores at:

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