January 11 in Lake Keepit
Today’s forecast resembled yesterday’s, but with a higher chance of storm problems predicted for late in the day. The organizers took note of this: for both classes 3-hour area tasks [...]
Today’s forecast resembled yesterday’s, but with a higher chance of storm problems predicted for late in the day. The organizers took note of this: for both classes 3-hour area tasks [...]
Today featured early cumulus, plenty of heat, a prediction of late-afternoon overdevelopment and storms, long tasks, and an early launch. The storms definitely did materialize, making the return home exciting [...]
It looked today very much as if the Lake Keepit string of fine soaring conditions would be broken. We woke to a near-solid overcast to the east and overhead that [...]
After a rest day that included a weather change, we were all wondering whether the excellent Lake Keepit soaring conditions would continue. Emphasizing the change were noticeably more pleasant conditions [...]
A good day today: unlike yesterday, better than the forecast. We were threatened with a trough invading from the southwest, overdevelopment to the east, a substantial fire not far northeast, [...]
A truly difficult day today. Uncharacteristically, the weather forecast didn’t resemble the actual conditions. Task A had gliders headed east, into the hills, where cloud bases were estimated to reach [...]
With a prediction for another hot day with plenty of cumulus and a reasonable chance of over development, the 4-hour area tasks looked a bit bold. And so they proved, [...]
Another hot day, with overdevelopment southeast and blue skies southwest – but no problems for a task to the north. Attractive cumulus clouds had developed in this part of the [...]
Another hot day at Lake Keepit (over 100 F), with plenty of sun producing attractive cumulus clouds. The tasks were long – and proved much more difficult than those of [...]
The first competition day at the 38th Australian Club and Sports Class Nationals was slightly less hot than yesterday, but still offered strong lift to over 10,000’. Some blue areas [...]