A beautiful soaring Day Racing Task distances: Open 650.8 km, 18m 621.2 km, 20m 615.3 km with cu’s up to 6.5-7 k msl

  Pete Alexander took this photo


From 5E: A great flying day here in CZ (and Germany and Austria!). Our 18m task was an assigned racing task, 621 km, triangular plus a steering turn (18km). 70 and I were at the front again, and launched at 11 am. Conditions were already ripe, with Cu base over 6k’. The gate opened at 1155, and we started at 12:03. Good rhythm for the shortish first leg to the east, then started deviating as things softened with large blue areas on the second leg. We separated about two-thirds of the way to the second turn, Flossenberg, Germany. I got out of cycle just as we hit the high terrain heading southeast along the German-Czech border, and watched the task speed dwindle. I suspect the fast folks stayed with the higher density of clouds on top of the bigger peaks during this stretch. 70 and I got back together heading into the penultimate turn, Weitra, Austria. And just in time, as things blued out and weakened considerably with still 130km to go. But we kept things rolling and found enough to get around. All in all, a very enjoyable flight, and a great chance to see more of the task area. And it’s not every day we get to make international flights in the glider… Erik Nelson (5E) flying with 18M teammate Bob Fletcher (70)


and from Team ARC with pix from their cockpit:

WGC Hosin 2018 unofficial practice day – 600+k tasks for all classes. Really!
Task completed, 6:30 hrs on course, 7:30hr from canopy shut till open again. Really!
Task took us to Germany and – almost- Austria over beautiful scenery; rolling hills, red-roof villages, green forests dotted with castles, flocks of sheep in picture perfect pastures. And an occasional paraglider at 5000ft.
Happy day in the life of Team ARC!

 Karin Schlosser with Heinz Weissenbueler