Greetings from the upcoming World Gliding Championships in Hosin, CZ! US Team pilots and crew have been arriving since last Thursday (July 19) evening.
Heinz Weissenbuehler and Karin Schlosser where the first to arrive standing in the middle of the soon to be full tie down area:
Dave Coggins (DT), Erik Nelson (5E), and Bob Fletcher (70) have also arrived with their crews. Mike Robison, Garret Willat are still in traveling and are expected to arrive late Monday.
Training Day #2: Cancelled do to this unhappy blog of soaring wx. Hosin is marked by the X:
ARC, DT, 70, and 5E are spending today finishing up their final preparation for their upcoming scruntineering appointments this coming Monday and Tuesday.
A few photos from the past the few days at the Hosin Airfield:
Briefing Hanger all set up:
Flying last Friday where is Perry like and at times a little Uvalde like for ARC and DT:
Tow plane in Hosin:
Team USA Tiedown:
Follow the team: Here are their glider types and contests #’s
Pete and Team USA.