{"events":[{"id":64563,"global_id":"www.ssa.org?id=64563","global_id_lineage":["www.ssa.org?id=64563"],"author":"64","status":"publish","date":"2023-12-31 15:49:06","date_utc":"2023-12-31 22:49:06","modified":"2023-12-31 15:49:06","modified_utc":"2023-12-31 22:49:06","url":"https:\/\/www.ssa.org\/event\/online-sim-training-slipping-flight-crosswind-landings2\/","rest_url":"https:\/\/www.ssa.org\/wp-json\/tribe\/events\/v1\/events\/64563","title":"Online Sim Training – Slipping Flight & Crosswind Landings","description":"

Simulation-based Online Flight Training Experience (SOFTE)<\/h3><\/div>

A new phase of the SSA\u2019s initiative to improve glider flight training through increased adoption of simulation-based flight training (Condor). Phase I of the initiative was announced in the May 2023 issue of Soaring Magazine and provided SSA Chapter Clubs with matching funding for the acquisition of glider flight simulation workstations. The program described below seeks to further advance this important initiative:<\/p>\n<\/div>

Simulation-based Online Flight Training Experience – SOFTE<\/p>\n

The overall purpose of this initiative is to advance the sport of soaring by providing an addition source of cost effective, time efficient glider flight training. The program is open to current members of the Soaring Society of America and its affiliated Clubs, Chapters and Commercial Glider Operations, and while the potential exists for the program to cover a wide range of topics, the initial offering will focus on the initial stages of primary flight training for a glider category rating.<\/div><\/div><\/div>


The program format is composed of:<\/p>\n