Tow Pilot Course

The following articles by the Soaring Safety Foundation and the Civil Air Patrol Present an on-line tow pilot course.

Tow Pilot Course Introduction

Scope & Purpose The scope and purpose of this course is to provide standardized tow pilot training producing safe and competent tow pilots. Overview of Aerotow A glider is pulled aloft by a [...]

Takeoff Planning

1. After your inspections are complete, compute takeoff performance for the towplane using the approved pilot operating handbook (POH). As a rule of thumb the tow plane is normally airborne in about twice the [...]

Takeoff & Climb

Advance the throttle smoothly and quickly, in one motion. If the tow plane is allowed to accelerate and then slow, the glider may overrun the tow line. This may result in the tow line [...]

Tow Positions, Turns & Release

Glider Tow Positions The high-tow is normally used for glider tow operations. However, a low-tow position may be used in some instances, a cross-country tow for example. The main goal of both positions is to [...]

Cross-Country Aerotow

Planning is the key for a successful and safe cross-county tow. Fuel consumption during any tow operation will be high. Plan conservatively using the maximum fuel consumption for your particular tow plane and the possibility [...]


Takeoff Emergencies The key to ensuring successful emergency management is the development of an emergency plan. Prior to takeoff, an emergency release point should be selected somewhere along the takeoff runway. This release [...]

Flight Training Syllabus

The following pilot qualifications are established as a guide. Clubs, commercial operators, and other soaring organizations may establish their own specific tow pilot qualifications in addition to FAA requirements. The following requirements must be [...]

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